Perfume Bottle

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A Modern Witch’s Perfume Bottle

Product Design


An introduction to product design based on a target user persona.


Creating a user persona and overall aesthetic…

Our goal for this assignment was to design a perfume bottle centered around a very specific target market. We were tasked with creating mood boards to show the overall aesthetic we were aiming for.

Inspired by the fall season, my goal was to design for today’s “Modern Witch”. I wanted something young, sleek, and traditional, while not being too on the nose.


Initial thumbnail sketching:
Diverging process

Our first stage of ideation involved many, many pages of thumbnail sketches. This sketchbook page is one small sample of them.


Refined Sketching and Selection:
Converging Process

From these initial sketches, we created twenty larger, more refined designs for critique. We then narrowed our designs down to eight and then five final designs from which to iterate and prototype.



In order to get a better understanding of our physical forms, we used prototyping foam to hand carve our initial designs. Once we were able to narrow down which design we wanted to continue with, we made one final foam iteration before moving on to CAD.


CAD Modeling

Once completing our final model, we moved on to the digital iteration process. I knew I was going to be 3D printing my bottle, so I designed it in a way that would be most easily printed and put together.

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Final Rendered and Printed Models

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